Pune To Ratnagiri Cab

Pune To Ratnagiri Cab Service

Pune To Ratnagiri Beach Car Service

Pune To Ratnnagiri Cab Services

Ratnagiri District – Tourism

Mandangad Fort

Trip to ferryboat

Barakot fort


Times sea shore

Chiplun taluka

Shivaashree of Derivan


Mr. Sector Parashuram

All waterfall

Shri Ramavardayini Temple, Dadar


Mandangad is 18 kms away from Mahapal on the Mumbai-Goa highway. If you want to enter Shreekhetra Harihareshwar in Raigad district, then to reach Ratnagiri district, there is a ferryboat facility on the bank of Baankunda, which is located 4 kilometers from Bagmand village. Traveling through this boat with your vehicle can be accessed in Veshi village of Mandangad taluka within just five minutes. Vesavi Mandangad distance is about 30 km. Bandhangad FortFive kilometers from Mandangad ST Stand, the fort is comingandangad Fort5 km from Mandangad ST Stand can be reached to the top of the fort. This fort is mentioned as the oldest fort of Ratnagiri.

The fort was built in the reign of King Bhoj of Panhala in the twelfth century. Although the fort is collapsed, old remains can be seen here. The Fort wall, which breaks down the Giridurg, is spread over 8 acres of land. The pond built in the castle is of perennial water. The area that is visible from this fortA memorial of Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has been constructed in this village which is 18 kms from Mandangad. The original village of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. His house has been converted to a memorial. The memorial area is beautified and the premises is very beautiful. There is a road from the furrow to reach the village of Ambadev.

We have to go further by road. Vesavi’s recently seen a large pale on the side of the road. The prawn procedure can be closely observed with prior permission in this place. Ferrybats have been arranged for visitors to Vesvi. Enjoying a ride with a car can be experienced in this boat. It is very easy to reach Bagmand in five minutes. It is only four kilometers from Bagmand to Shrikhetra Harihareshwar. It is possible to return to Lord Harihareshwar in an hour or two.Barakot fortFrom Vesavi to Bankot


it is a village called Nana Fadnavis. Before entering the village, the beauty of various shapes created on black on the side of the road is worth seeing. On the other side, the beautiful sand belt built on the other side and the surrounding beauty also attract tourists. Nana Fadnavis has built a wall and two temples in this town. After entering the village, there are two temples of Mahadev and Kalbhairava in the center of the shrine. A semi-statue of Nana Fadnavis has been set up in the village.

velas Beach

Steps have been taken to bring down the bridge. If you walk for five minutes through a dense bushes, you can see the beautiful sea shore. On the seaside times of the times, the ‘Olive Ridley Turtle’ species come in large quantities to make cauliflower in winter. If you take care of the tourists not to hurt the turtle eggs, then you will always enjoy the bliss of this amazing nature of nature. The beauty of the sea shore is also unique.

Pune To Ratnagiri Tour Package Cab

Swift/Itos/Indica AC Car

Pune To Ratnagiri Return Tour Package Cab

1 Days Cab Package

Toll and Parking Extra

Swift/Itos/Indica Non AC Car

Pune To Ratnagiri Return Tour Package Cab

1 Days Cab Package

Toll and Parking Extra

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